Approach to Therapy
The world today moves quickly and, for many of us, our minds attempt to keep pace. We oftentimes don’t even notice how reactively we think and behave, shifting from one task to the next. In the noise, it is easy to lose contact with the quiet pace more natural to our humanness. We can lose connection with ourselves, others, and what we care about most.
In our work together, we will slow down. We will observe your mind and the chatter
therein. We will pursue new ways of relating to your thoughts that empower you to live more deeply. We will explore the ways you’ve become who you are and notice both how you’re living and why you are living that way. We will find the authentic place of quiet within you that is easy to miss and—gently—open up to who you are, what you feel, and the vitality of every moment of this life.
Areas of Expertise
My passion in counseling is to support people on journeys of self-exploration—perhaps you sense that the way you are living is “off” and you aren’t sure why, or you experience an anxiety that feels alien to your true nature, or you know deep down that there is more to you and more to life but you haven’t found the way to access it. I work with people who are in this place—the un-articulatable uneasiness that shows up when something about how we are living or being isn’t as true, real or alive as it’s meant to be. On a more specific level, the individuals I work with are often exploring identity and meaning (e.g. “Who am I?”), navigating difficult family dynamics, facing stressors related to work, processing relationship questions, struggling with anxiety or control, or seeking to live out their faith or values with authenticity. In essence, I seek to help you find your way back to simply "being," and ultimately, being who you really are both in how you feel and in the choices you make.
Experience and Training​
I received my Master’s in Professional Clinical Counseling from La Salle University and I am working towards licensure. I have training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and am heavily involved in the local ACT community as a
participant in a professional ACT therapist peer practice group and as an Early Career Representative to the Pennsylvania chapter of the ACT professional organization (Association for Contextual Behavioral Science). My approach also benefits from my undergraduate study of theology and ancient Christian spirituality where I developed an attunement to the slower things and the deeper, more spiritual side to life. I am a passionate learner, always striving to grow both as a human but also as a counselor. In my counseling work, I seek to show up fully as myself, creating a welcoming space for you to show up and find who you are.